How To Make Moving Easier For You And Your Kids

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It’s only a matter of time until you get your first block party invitation in the mail, and the shouts of street hockey and the kids playing in the backyard with new friends will soon be music to your ears. There are countless new memories to be had in your new community- and it all starts with the move. As you begin your moving process, look at our tips for moving with family, all the while keeping the move easy and fun for all!

Everyone likes to know what’s going on, so add the topic of moving to the next family meeting agenda. Tell your kids why and when you’re moving as soon as the plans are finalized. Instead of waiting for the elusive right time, tell them right from the start. Answer all of the questions that they might have: Is this a job relocation? Are you moving to be closer to family? When will you move? Give them time to absorb the news and process the move. Making sure they’re informed of your plans early and keeping them up to speed along the way will help to make a smoother move for the entire family.

Moving is a family event! From picking a new house to packing up your things, have your kids pitch in to help. Give them a vote as you look for a home in your new town- ask their opinions, hear their pros and cons, and consider their views when making your selection. Giving your kids a few boxes to pack gives them ownership on their part of the move. Unleash your kids’ inner decorators and let them help decide on the look of your new home by having them help with choosing paint colors, bedspreads and wall paintings.

This one is a win for you and your kids. Creating a new social network (not platform) creates new friends and new connections. Moving with toddlers? Check out the library for weekly story times or playgroups. They’re an easy way to meet potential friends for both you and your children — essential to settling in and feeling at home. For older kids, your local community center can be a source of new pals, particularly if you’re moving during the summer, when area swimming pools are the social hub of neighborhood activity.

Turn that tearful “goodbye” into a cheerful “see you soon!” Everybody loves having something to look forward to — it’s why we count the days until Christmas starting in January. Apply the same anticipation to planning a trip back to your old town. Keep them close with yearly visits or keeping in touch through social media.

Moving can be  stressful at any age, so be sure to check in with your children to see how they are doing. If you feel like your kid is struggling, take a wellness break from packing (or unpacking): go outside, go to the movies, or just snuggle up on the couch for a bit. Sometimes a hug is all it takes to feel better in a time of disruption and change.

Changing schools, leaving friends, and moving onto something new are all scary- but it can be fun too! Kids are resilient and adaptable, and grownups have the power to help minimize the tears and fears. The biggest takeaway is this: do whatever works for you. Moving can be stressful, so when you figure out the moving tricks that work best for you, do more of them and ditch the rest. After all, once you move, you can begin your new adventure in your new neighborhood.

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