Home Tips to Help Minimize Fall Allergies

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Fall is the time of cider mill visits, warm lattes and cozy movie nights – and also a time of seasonal allergies. Caused by allergens such as tree, grass and weed pollens, and mold spores, when you breathe these in, your immune system overreacts. And that’s when you become a sneezy, runny nose and watery eyes mess! Reduce your fall allergies this season with these simple home hacks.

1. Let in Fresh Air When Possible
While the weather is getting colder, letting in the autumn breeze can be so refreshing. To keep allergies at bay while home, place an air filter in any open windows. Imagine these filters like a net, collecting all of the dust, mold, and pollen before it gets into your home. 

2. Clean Your Home to Clear Your Head!

An afternoon of cleaning can absolutely clear your mind, but it keeps your actual head clear, too! The best way to keep allergens out is to keep your house clean. Dust and vacuum weekly, or even daily when allergens are high. Leave shoes, jackets and hats at the door to prevent pollen or other allergens from entering into the rest of the house. If your allergies are serious, take a shower after being outside. You definitely don’t want those allergens finding their way to your bed!

3. Get the Cobwebs and Dust Bunnies

While you may have spiderwebs up for decoration, you definitely want to steer clear of real cobwebs! Outside of cleaning your home, decluttering is also a great way to make sure there are no dust bunnies hiding behind your pumpkins this season. Make sure to get to the creepy-crawly spaces, too… like under the couch or behind the TV. If you’ve been dreaming of a clean an organized home, but the job seems like a nightmare, check out our decluttering guide here

4. Create a Calming Space

While the thought of preparing for all the fall things or having to rake up yet another pile of leaves might loom in your mind, don’t fret! Studies have shown that stress makes allergic reactions worse. Make a space in your home that’s dedicated to a self-care practice, whether it’s a meditation corner or a cozy nook for reading. Most importantly, prep your home to help promote better sleep. You can find those steps in this article.

Hopefully these hacks will help you enjoy the season with an unstuffed nose, so you can fully enjoy the delightful pumpkin-y, carmely apple crisp air of fall!

Check out our Weekender for more fantastical autumn tips, and happy fall!

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