DIY Projects to Hide the Bulky Items in Your Yard

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Transform Your AC Unit

Your AC may be working overtime to keep you cool this summer, but that big bulky unit has your yard looking like a hot mess. Get handy this weekend by building your own AC disguise screen. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to check the clearance requirements of your AC unit. Make sure you are adhering to these rules before building or purchasing a screen to hide your AC.

Check out our favorite weekend DIY that’ll have that bulky AC unit coolly concealed for your next backyard bash.

Camouflage Your Propane Tank

That eyesore in your yard sure puts the “pain” in pro-“pain.” Learn all the ways you can turn that gargantuan gas tank into the most fabulous feature of your yard. SAFETY FIRST! Before starting on Mission: Invisible Propane Tank, be sure there isn’t anything on top of or leaning against your tank. Remember to leave a path for service professionals and DO NOT put anything flammable on, near, or around the tank.

Bushes and shrubs like juniper and photinia grow at least six feet tall, beautifully concealing your propane tank. It’s important not to crowd the tank. Be sure to plant bushes and shrubs 5 feet away from the tank. Don’t forget to leave an access point so your tank can still be serviced without sacrificing your beautiful plants.

Lattice-style fences made of wood or vinyl are very popular solutions to concealing the floating gray giant in the middle of the yard. Ventilation is needed to dispense propane fumes, so be sure not to fully enclose the tank. In some cases, a screen will do the trick to keep the tank out of view. The same rules apply when putting a fence or screen around your tank; be sure to give 5 feet of clearance around the tank.

These items can cost a pretty penny, but it’s a creative way to hide your propane tank in plain site. Those who have purchased these pieces have made sure to drill holes to allow for the needed ventilation. Consider adding bushes and shrubs around the cover to help it fully blend in with your landscaping.

Source: Apartment Therapy

Image Credit: Kevin Kory Studio

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