3 Simple Tips to Keep Your Furnace Running Like New

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Don’t wait until something goes wrong to give your furnace the attention it needs. Avoid being a fair weathered friend to your heating systems and make sure you’re properly maintaining them all year round. Below are 3 simple ways to prevent your heating system from breaking down when you need it the most.

1. Perform Regular Maintenance

Consult the user guide for your specific heating system to find the general maintenance you should be performing on a regular basis. Energy Star recommends tightening all electrical connections, checking controls, and lubricating moving parts. These proactive steps can help you identify issues before they arise and delay a breakdown of your systems.

2. Replace Filters Regularly

To keep your furnace in the best working condition possible, be sure to check your filters on a regular basis — every month or two — and replace them on average every three months. This time frame changes during the months where your furnace is working overtime or during renovation/remodeling projects. Clogged filters can lead to less efficient heating systems that require more energy to run and decreases the lifespan of the unit.

3. Consult Your Home Warranty Coverage

For added protection, make sure you have a home warranty in place to help if your systems break down. Talk to your real estate agent about purchasing the best home warranty for you and your family’s needs.

Source: HMS Home Warranty Blog

Image Credit: Kevin & Amanda

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